85 9.35 pt 2 The Abstract Pensieve: Gred & Feorge

The Abstract Pensieve

Aurors and Marauders Aurors and Marauders

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Gred & Feorge

The Weasley Twins

The Weasley twins have been shown as cool light hearted, brave, fun-loving, talented and humorous wizards. they are mostly the joke makers nad sometimes the butt of jokes. JKR recently told that their b'day come on 1st April April Fool's day!
Their bright nature and skilled inventions will ensure a prominent place in the &th book, as it has done in the previous six books ...

Notorious but true Gryffindors & Family first
Fred and George Weasley- doesn’t a mischievous smile come on your face when you hear these names, commonly referred to as the Weasley twins. They have always procured a notorious position for themselves in each Harry Potter book. But unlike other such people, notably Draco Malfoy, they are pure hearted and brave like true Gryffindors, have no grudge against impure blooded people (They hate the squib Filch because of different reasons.) They are free to express their minds leave no stone unturned to have some real good fun.
They also do cute things from time to time, like coming to Hogsmeade to give Ron his Birthday present. And they have always, unlike their big bro Percy, shown an unwavering loyalty towards their family values.

Powerful Wizards & Cool Businessmen
Most interestingly, they are extraordinarily gifted wizards, as even the righteous Hermione pointed out in HBP, also having a corporate mind and a flair for business. They have utilized their talent in their joke shop, and their merschandise is even bought by the ministry and the Death eaters. Their joke shop, Weasley Wizardng Wheezes , is shown flourishing at 93, Diagon Alley.
2 things that Big V should buy from their shop: Hair regrowing potion and Instant Nose rebuilder.

The Twins at School
They always had a certain disregard for rules, and bent them to have fun, aided by the marauder’s map. They can easily be compared to the Marauders (except that they are not Animagus), exploring the school with their best friend Lee Jordan.
However carefree they may seem, they cannot bear injustice and openly defiled the school and Umbridge because of her unruly behavior and flew out of Hogwarts (It made even the poltergeist Peeves bow). Perhaps that is why Dumbledore, having a good eye for the right people, never took too severe an action against them when they were at Hogwarts, in spite of their acts.
They have always been light about things, like the way Fred (or it was George?) invited Angelina to the Yule Ball. The exceptions to their light hearted behavior are money (we all know that Weasley’s are poor) and of course, Quidditch.

The Seventh Book
I feel that they may have an important part to play in the 7th book, because power cannot go unnoticed. Even Draco Malfoy bought the Peruvian darkness powder from them, which shows that they are even respected by Death Eaters. Hence, they may have to make an important choice in the 7th book, as to which side they have to really join, but we all know which one they will choose. This way, they will really make a lot of enemies, but the two of them can always fight it out.
Also, they may be officially instated onto the Order of the Phoenix, and I know that they would lend a good hand on kicking Death Eaters.
Do they have a chance of being killed off in the seventh book? It is well known that JKR has a penchant for killing good people!

Whatever their future may be, we know that they will always put a united, jolly good fight.
I can surmise the Weasley twins in 3 words- my favorite characters.

PS: If you take the Fantastic Beasts quiz and enter F & G as your favorite characters, see what being you'll get.


  • a jolly crackling article on the twins i strongly sopport you in the opinion that rowling makes bad thing happen to good people i hope wheezleys twins dont die as they are just to funny to do so. maybe they just wriggle out of it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 PM  

  • I simply shudder to think they would die in seventh book. Somehow...i think JKR has always underplayed them. It's like she has never given full credits to such brilliant characters i'd say. Anyways....They are the end of cool and i believe that they will not die....JKR does not have the guts to kill any of the trio and their pals. I think she is very very much in love with them and it is very difficult for a writer to kill a character they truly love. Trust me on that one!!!

    By Blogger Kanika, at 7:50 PM  

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