Introduction to this Blog
I’ve started this blog to express my thoughts and opinions about the world of Harry Potter.
Anyone who has read Harry Potter would know that a Pensieve is an object used to see thoughts. In the same way, you can read my thoughts through this bllock and I can read yours through your comments!
I will use this blog to give my speculations about the seventh Harry potter book, the characters and the movies. They may be a little unimaginable, unusual or simply weird! But nevertheless, the five books the sixth book (HBP), are so brimming with events and previously undisclosed information that it’s hard to stop yourself from forming opinions about what J.K. Rowling will do next.
A difficult question for many Potter readers will be: Which is your favorite Harry Potter book? But for me, it is quite easy- The Half-Blood Prince. The way the biography of Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord and the most mysterious character in the book, unfolds is simply great. How the handsome and charming lad T.M. Riddle slowly and secretly develops his powers under his teachers’ eyes, and then emerges as the most frightening and terrible dark Lord in the history of the wizarding world, closer to immortality than any other sorcerer, shows the intricacies of the magical world.
All of us were greatly shocked when Dumbledore was murdered by Severus Snape, whom he trusted as a faithful ally, and who according to him, saved his life when he returned to Hogwarts greatly injured by destroying the ring Horcrux.
But as I tried to fathom this merciless cruelty, I realized some hidden meanings. Didn’t Hagrid tell Harry that he overheard Snape and Dumbledore arguing about something? And how can one expect the great Dumbledore to beg for his life (please, Severus! The only hypothesis is that Dumbledore and Snape had already formulated this plan about Snape becoming Voldemort’s ally, and since Snape would be unwilling to kill his mentor, Dumbledore pleaded to him to perform this cruel act to prove his loyalty to Voldemort and come in his inner circle.
Now you can explore this blog to enter the pensieve and see some of my thoughts,. Awaiting your feedback and ideas!
there is no need of asking for our thoughts n views about wat u hav written if u dont hav time 2 read n send back a reply i m waiting from whole 1 day for ur e mail or something i know ur exams r from 9dec but that does not mean u study 24hrs a day and dont hav time2 open ur own site n look for d views of others this isnt fair at all im a student of that school in wich u r the HEADBOY cant u just give 5 min 2 reply me im d only 1 who sent u comments on ur thoughts just reply me soon
Anonymous, at 2:27 AM
u i think are deeply mistaken about
fawkes being hocrux
slughorn said u need to kill to make hocrux.but albus will not resort to that level reply at
Anonymous, at 3:56 AM
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